Asphalt, natural screw, mineral fiber, or even bitumen are sticky, black and liquid or semi-solid petroleum. Asphalt can be classified as a screw. Asphalt is a mixture of alumina, lime, silica and bitumen. Asphalt is classified into two types: natural asphalt and sedimentary asphalt
Natural asphalt
As the name implies, natural asphalt is obtained mainly from nature and from lakes and rocks.
Asphalt lake
Lake asphalt contains 40 to 70% pure bitumen, which is boiled and refined in a tank. The output is refined asphalt used in road construction and industry.
Asphalt stone
Rock asphalt contains 10 to 15% of pure bitumen and calcareous material. The rocks are crushed and heated and then stabilized by sudden cooling. Extracted asphalt is used for paving tiles, etc.
Asphalt settles
Sedimentary asphalt is made by extracting crude oil with an asphalt base