Bitumen products include:
1_Breathed bitumen: From blowing hot air into pure bitumen in the last stage of purification is obtained.
They are used to make roofing sheets, car batteries, waterproof paints and lining.
2_Special bitumen: This type of bitumen is produced according to the request of customers with special specifications for regional and case applications and is mainly in the form of modified bitumen and oxidized bitumen.
3_Emulsion bitumen: It is a mixture of two liquids (water and bitumen) that are insoluble in which bitumen is suspended in very small particles in water.
The diameter of the bitumen grains is between 0.001 and 0.002 mm. The smaller the diameter of the bitumen particles, the better the emulsion.
Cationic emulsion bitumens based on their stability against breaking into three main groups:
- Rapid Setting
- Medium Setting
- Slow Setting
At present, emulsion bitumens are used in all hot and cold asphalt works and all kinds of protective asphalts, penetrating and surface coatings and soil stabilization, as the case may be.
4_ Soluble bitumen: are obtained by dissolving pure bitumen in solvents or petroleum oils.
For single coat and prime coat uses, it is used in road construction and according to the type of solvent used, it is divided into three categories: fast breaker (bitumen and gasoline), slow breaker (bitumen and kerosene) and late breaker (bitumen and diesel).